Copyright © 2024 Community Living Well

Your Suggestions into Actions

Your views are very valuable to us. They help us re-evaluate and refine our communication methods. They are also key to helping us make improvements and reach more people who may benefit from our service.

Your suggestions into actions

Last summer, we held a marketing feedback meeting with staff and service users which hosted conversations about our marketing materials. Thank you to those who attended for your useful comments and recommendations. As a result of that meeting, your suggestions have since been turned into actions. Details of these changes can be found in our ‘Your suggestions into Actions’ poster available here


It’s not too late to share your thoughts!

Your feedback is always important to us. Coproduction is at the heart of our service and shapes every aspect of our work. If you have something to say about our website, leaflets or magazines – a compliment, complaint or concern – please contact our marketing coordinator, Tamsin, at [email protected]

Author: Tamsin Cogan
Posted on: 3rd October 2019

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training