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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Image shows the Mental Health Foundation logo for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 which is purple text on a white backgroundMental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) 2024 takes place from 13 to 19 May, and the theme is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”.

Movement is important for our mental health. But so many of us struggle to move enough. We know there are many different reasons for this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week we want to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines. Going for a walk in your neighbourhood, putting on your favourite music and dancing around the living room, chair exercises when you’re watching television – it all counts!

(Source: Mental Health Foundation)

Moments for movement

To support Mental Health Awareness Week this year, we are asking our service users, colleagues and wider community to share what you do to keep moving.

We would love you send us a short video telling us about your walks, dance classes, gym sessions, housework routine – whatever it is that you do that gets you to stay active.

Share your video on social media and be sure to tag us on Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok or Facebook so we can re-share your clips. Alternatively, you can send them directly to us and we’ll share them on our social media accounts.

If you do not want to make a video, just share your tips in writing or with a photograph.

When sharing your stories online, tag us and use the MHAW official hashtag #MomentsForMovement

Additional support

NHS guided videos

If you are looking for new ways to get moving, the NHS has instructor-led exercise videos, including aerobic exercises, strength and resistance training, pilates and yoga. Watch the videos here.

NHS Better Health

The NHS Better Health website can help you to make little changes to improve your overall health. They provide support with stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol, or losing weight.

Local activities

There are lots of free or low cost activities for you to get involved with in Kensington and Chelsea. RBKC has lots of information on their website.

Sport England – Get Moving

Tips, advice and guidance on how to keep or get active. Visit ‘Get Moving’.

Mental Health Support

As always, you can get help and support with your mental health and emotional wellbeing with Community Living Well. We offer counselling, therapy, peer support, a navigation service and employment support. Refer yourself quickly and easily online.


Author: Stewart Gillespie
Posted on: 24th April 2024

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training