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Employment Support

Who does Employment support help?

The Employment Service is for people over 16 who experience mental health problems whilst under the care of their GP, and their carers.

It can support you if you want to find work or are struggling in your current job because of a mental health problem.

a man looking at a his cv and sitting with his laptop computer
Click to refer yourself to the Employment Support service

What support does Employment offer?

The Employment team offers a wide range of practical help, advice and coaching support. They can help to answer any questions you have about jobs or employment. Your dedicated Employment Adviser can help you:

  • Find the right kind of work for you
  • Return to work after a period of sick leave
  • Stay in work and/or deal with workplace adjustments
  • Know your employment rights

The Community Living Well employment service also supports you to learn a wide range of skills to help you get a job. These include:

  • How to search for a job
  • How to write a CV and cover letter
  • How to fill in a job application form
  • How to prepare for an interview

How to access Employment

You can refer yourself by completing this online form. Alternatively you can also ask your GP or other professional involved in your care to refer you to Community Living Well Employment. For our list of eligible GP practices please click here.

How to contact Employment Support

The best way to contact the Employment Support team is by referring yourself to Community Living Well using the online form. Or you can email us at [email protected]

Community Living Well Employment Support is provided by SMART (St Mary Abbotts Rehabilitation and Training)

How we can help

Do you want to refer yourself to Community Living Well?

Self-Refer Here

Working together for your mental wellbeing
SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training