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Young Adult Navigators

Kensington and Chelsea Young Adult Community Navigator Service

Get emotional and practical support to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

The Young Adult Community Navigation service provides emotional and practical support to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young adults.

young adult female with headphones on having a video call with a young adult navigator on her laptop computer
Click to refer yourself to the Young Adult Navigator service

Community Navigators work with young adults to offer an individually tailored service to meet their needs. They will support them to explore ‘what matters to them’ and provide them with personalised help to take control of their health and wellbeing and better understand the impacts of their lifestyle choices. They support young adults with their goals, including offering help with wellbeing, benefits, housing, employment, education and access to local services.

The service is provided by SMART and supported by CNWL.

Organisation SMART
Who’s eligible? Anyone aged 16-25 who is registered with a GP Practice in K&C.
How to refer? Self referral using the online form

Referral via GP

Referral by professional using this form

Contact for further information [email protected]

Do you want to refer yourself to Community Living Well?

Self-Refer Here

Working together for your mental wellbeing
SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training