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Category: Employment

What is burnout and how to avoid it?

What is Burnout? Burnout refers to a collection of symptoms following prolonged stress. This could present itself as feeling exhausted, limited motivation, irritable and anxious feelings. You may also notice […]

Supporting someone with a mental health problem

Supporting someone we love who is experiencing a mental health problem can be distressing and upsetting. Despite your good intentions and desires to help, you may feel powerless and ill-equipped […]

How to be a good colleague

Wellbeing at work: How to be a good colleague Many of us have experienced changes to the way we work over the last two years. It’s important to maintain wellbeing […]

Considering a career change

The prospect of a career change, particularly in an uncertain economy, can be daunting, and switching jobs is never a decision that should be taken lightly. The Community Living Well […]

Employment During Second Lockdown

Now that we have entered the second national lockdown of the year, many of us are feeling worried or anxious about the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the affects it is […]

Overcoming back to work anxiety

If you have been working from home since lockdown began, it is likely that you have not set foot into your office. As lockdown continues to ease and we are […]

Returning to work after sick leave

Two-thirds of us will have suffered from some form of mental illness at some point in our lives. It can be even more devastating when it forces us to take […]

Prevent burnout by pressing pause

Everyone should be able to access and enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding career. When a healthy work to life balance is achieved, work can foster a range of health and wellbeing benefits. These can include personal […]

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training