Tag: Wellbeing
Autumn/Winter 2020 magazine is now available!
Welcome to the Autumn/Winter 2020 edition of the Community Living Well magazine. We hope you have been keeping safe and well during this difficult time. The situation regarding Covid-19 and […]
Employment During Second Lockdown
Now that we have entered the second national lockdown of the year, many of us are feeling worried or anxious about the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the affects it is […]
Keeping your mind and body fit
We often think of mental and physical health as two separate things, but the truth is, they are very closely linked. When we feel good physically, we tend to feel […]
Sleep and anxiety
There are plenty of benefits to a good night’s sleep. However, we sometimes find ourselves tossing and turning with feelings of dread and unease. If you find yourself in this […]
Managing stress and anxiety during Covid-19
During this uncertain time, you may find yourself worrying about a range of issues coming up and feeling increasingly overwhelmed or anxious. Not being able to engage in your usual […]
Looking after your mental health during Covid-19
The current pandemic may be having some impact on your mental health and wellbeing. You might be worried and anxious about how Covid-19 will affect your life and daily routine […]
Service updates due to COVID-19
To align with the Government’s current guidelines, we’re temporarily changing the way we deliver our services. We will continue to process new referrals and support current service users during this […]
Food and Mood: how diet affects your mental health
We often link our diet and what we eat to our physical health, but did you know that it also affects your mental health and wellbeing? Having a healthy, balanced […]
The Winter 2020 Magazine is now available!
A very warm welcome to the Winter 2020 edition of the Community Living Well magazine (and excitingly the first one of the year and decade). As we navigate our way […]
The Rise of Self-Help Platforms
Technology is changing the way we live. From online courses and habit trackers to sleep advice and breathing exercises, there’s never been a better way to explore and embrace how […]