Copyright © 2025 Community Living Well

Service updates due to COVID-19

To align with the Government’s current guidelines, we’re temporarily changing the way we deliver our services. We will continue to process new referrals and support current service users during this difficult time.

We won’t be providing face-to-face appointments, groups and activities. Each of our services have had to look at new ways of working so they can continue to support you. You can find the different service changes below.

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies will offer focused support to people by telephone or video call and they can offer online treatments. They are also offering support to NHS staff affected by Covid-19.

There will also be virtual groups and webinars available and our website will be updated with more information as it becomes available. Find out more about CNWL’s Talking Therapies on their website.

Peer Support

Peer Support services will be provided under one umbrella with other Kensington and Chelsea Mind services. They will be offering:

  • Regular support by phone, email or text
  • Support to assess the level of practical support you may need during this time
  • Support to create a Mind Wellbeing Plan to help you cope at home
  • Emotional support and regular tips and information on how to look after your mental health and,
  • Information and support to help you access other services

If you have any questions, please get in touch on 020 8964 1333 or email

Primary Care Liaison Nurses

Primary Care Liaison Nurses will provide telephone consultations and face-to-face appointments using online platforms such as Zoom. You may experience a longer than usual wait time for your first contact as the team experience some disruptions to their service. Some individuals may find that they are offered support as an alternative to seeing the Community Mental Health teams, and there may be times when you are directed to other support services that can better meet your needs.

If you need more information on medication, there are reliable medication resources on the Central and North West London website.

Employment Service

The Employment Team are still accepting referrals and all of their work is being done over the phone.

They will also provide one-off advice, guidance and signposting for those who would like some information on their current employment situation.

Please note – there is a waiting list for these services.

Navigation Service

The Navigators Team are still accepting referrals and all of their work is being done over the phone.

They can also signpost people who would not be eligible for their services, but need some support with finding out the most up to date and relevant information for them.

This is not an emergency or crisis service and they operate with a waiting list. They will be in touch with you as soon as they can.


SMART are offering a food delivery service for people with primary or secondary mental health needs, who are self-isolating or unable to get to a food bank. If you require this service, please self-refer to the Navigator service and write I would like a referral to SMART food delivery in the ‘tell us about the issues you need help and support with’ box. A member of the team will contact you by phone to get more information and to check your eligibility.

Self-Care Services

Changes to the delivery of the self-care services are outlined below:

  • Clement James Wellbeing Project – Activities, groups and learning sessions will continue however they will be delivered through phone calls, video and online sessions
  • Well Read – Play reading sessions will be offered online through Zoom on Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Emotional 1:1 support in your language – This service will be provided over the phone
  • Massage and Reflexology – This service won’t be offered in the meantime however you can register to have the team call you to check in with you or your neighbour
  • Volunteering on Prescription are currently not taking more clients through this scheme but you can volunteer to help during Covid-19 by filling in a form on the Volunteer Centre Kensington and Chelsea website
  • My Recipe My Story are supporting existing clients but you can register your interest for when things are back up and running

If you would like to register for the above services, please complete the referral form.

Helpful resources

Coronavirus and your wellbeing

Mind have put together a useful resource to help your wellbeing during this difficult time. This information is to help you cope if:

Single Point of Access

If your mental health deteriorates or if you experience any thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please contact the CNWL Single Point of Access Crisis Team on 0800 0234 650 or the Samaritans for free on 116 123.

Refer to the Community Living Well service here.

Author: Michelle Jackson
Posted on: 6th April 2020

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training