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Category: Navigator

Supporting someone with a mental health problem

Supporting someone we love who is experiencing a mental health problem can be distressing and upsetting. Despite your good intentions and desires to help, you may feel powerless and ill-equipped […]

Housing and mental health

Housing and mental health problems are often linked. Poor mental health can make coping with housing problems more challenging. Homelessness or housing issues can cause a deterioration in your mental […]

Housing regulations: do the changes affect me?

Housing regulations: What’s changed and how does it affect me? Dealing with changing housing regulations can be extremely stressful. Our Navigators have provided some information and advice to support you […]

Applying for extra support during the Coronavirus pandemic

2020 has brought on a lot of uncertainty to everyone across the world. Financially things have changed for a lot of people, with lockdown, furlough and shielding being introduced along […]

Managing your money

Managing your money is an essential skill to learn to minimise debt, particularly whilst living in London. There are lots of reasons why managing your finances can prove difficult – […]

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training