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Tag: worry

Stress Awareness Month 2023

We all face many challenges in life, which can make us feel stressed, or cause worry and anxiety. During this Stress Awareness Month (April 2023), be aware of how you […]

Alone in a Digital World

We are living in a fast-paced digital world, where almost everything is now online, including banking, shopping and advice. For many, this is a good thing, as it means faster […]

Employment During Second Lockdown

Now that we have entered the second national lockdown of the year, many of us are feeling worried or anxious about the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the affects it is […]

Sleep and anxiety

There are plenty of benefits to a good night’s sleep. However, we sometimes find ourselves tossing and turning with feelings of dread and unease. If you find yourself in this […]

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training