Copyright © 2024 Community Living Well

Out now! Community Living Well Magazine Issue 14

We are pleased to share the latest edition of Community Living Well magazine.

Featured articles include:

  • Looking after your wellbeing during winter
  • How to be a good colleague
  • Stay informed: Benefits changes
  • Habits to boost your happiness in 2024

Plus, we hear about a recent experience of talking therapy and learn more about a therapeutic gardening group.

There’s also book reviews, information on peer support groups, and a directory of other local resources.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue. If you have any suggestions or feedback about the magazine, please contact [email protected]

To sign-up to receive the Community Living Well magazine direct to your inbox, complete this form

Author: Stewart Gillespie
Posted on: 11th December 2023

SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training