November Peer Support Calendar
Welcome to the November Peer Support Calendar
We have a wide range of activities and groups on offer this month for our members. Highlights include a trip to Winter Wonderland and a weekend visit to Kensington Palace. All our groups are underpinned by the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Active, Connect, Give, Learn and Notice.
New Members
Are you new to Peer Support and looking for company this winter? Join a friendly Peer Support group and connect with like-minded individuals in an enriching and positive wellbeing environment.
If you are just starting to find your feet in the service, we understanding that joining new people at our groups can feel daunting. To help joining be less stressful and reduce your worries, we can offer you a one-to-one introductory meeting on a Monday Afternoon at the Community Hub at St. Peter’s Church, Kensington Park Road, W11 2PN. Afterwards, you will also have the opportunity to experience our weekly hub. This Monday group is a place for laughter, music, companionship, light snacks and a warming cuppa. If having a slot with a Peer Support coordinator could help you to try out our service, please email us at peersupport@kcmind.org.uk.
We hope you enjoy our November Peer Support Calendar. To attend a Peer Support group or book a one-to-one introductory meeting you must be registered with Peer Support. To refer yourself please complete this quick online form or call 020 3317 4200.
Find out more about Peer Support
Author: Tamsin Cogan
Posted on: 1st November 2019