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Living well during Covid-19 with a long-term health condition

Living with a long-term health condition during Covid-19

Having a long-term health condition (such as diabetes, respiratory or cardiac conditions) during the pandemic can bring extra challenges to our ability to manage our health and wellbeing. During this time of uncertainty, our daily lives have changed a lot. If you have a long-term health condition, it is important to continue your routine to help you stay well. Here are our tips to help you manage your long-term health condition during this time.

Monitor your condition

It is important to continue monitoring your condition and be aware of how you are feeling. When planning your daily routine, make sure to include your checks (e.g. tracking your blood glucose) and your medication.

Feel prepared

Think through a normal week: how will it be affected and what do you need to do to solve any problems? Who do you need to get in touch with for help and support?

Have a plan for getting your prescriptions

Make sure you have a plan with your GP to organise repeat prescriptions. If you are unable to leave the house because you are shielding, meaning you are considered a vulnerable person and need to stay indoors for 12 weeks, organise to have a friend or family member to pick up your prescriptions. If you don’t have a family member or friend to do this for you, get in touch with your pharmacy as they may be offering a delivery service. There may also be volunteers in your area to help deliver your prescriptions to you.

Speak to your GP

If you normally would stay in touch with your GP, ask them how they will continue to support you during this time with appointments and follow-ups.

Keep support numbers and important information nearby

Have a list of important phone numbers, including your GP surgery, pharmacy, local support and information somewhere easy to find so that you have all the information you need in one easy-to-access space.

Stick to facts

Find credible sources you can trust such as GOV.UK or the NHS website and fact-check information you read or hear from other people. You might also want to consider limiting the time you spend watching, reading or listening to news, including on social media.

Look after your body

Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel mentally. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly, if you can. It may be a scary thought leaving your house during this time to go out for a walk. However, you can stay indoors and try a home workout or walk up and down the stairs.

Be aware and recognise your skills and strengths that have helped you to manage

When times are tough, it is easy to forget your ability to manage. Remember that you have managed well outside of Covid-19 and you can continue to manage while in self isolation.

Helpful resources

Living well with a long-term health condition: online workshop

Talking Therapies are offering a one-hour online workshop to help you manage with a long-term health condition during the pandemic. The workshop will cover a range of topics such as managing worries about our health and COVID, continuing to move with a meaningful routine during isolation, how to decipher information about COVID and much more.

If you’re interested in attending this online workshop, you will need to register to our Talking Therapies service by completing this form. You can also call the team on 020 3317 4200 or email [email protected].

This story was originally published in the Spring/Summer 2020 Community Living Well magazine. It has been edited for website purposes. Subscribe today to receive mental health and wellbeing tips straight to your inbox, four times a year!

Refer to the Community Living Well service here.

Author: Michelle Jackson
Posted on: 23rd June 2020

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