Children and Young People
The following organisations provide support for children and young people who are living with a mental health problem, or for children and young people whose parent or carer is living with a mental health problem.
Community Living Well
All Community Living Well services are available to people aged 16 and over, and who are registered with a GP in Kensington, Chelsea, Queens Park or Paddington.
See: Employment Support
See: Peer Support
See: Self-Care
See: Talking Therapies
See: Young Adult Navigators
Young People’s Support Accommodation – RBKC
This service is for young people aged 16-25 who are leaving care, looked after children, homeless or at risk of being made homeless. Hestia supports service users to maintain or secure accommodation and also facilitates access to education, training and employment and engagement in meaningful activities in order to reduce social isolation.
Where: 266 Westbourne Park Road, London, W11 1EJ
Tel: 020 3879 3510
The Kensington and Chelsea Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is delivered at Parkside Clinic. They provide community mental health services to children and young people up the age of 18, with complex mental health difficulties, and their families in a range of different ways depending on their needs.
More Information:
Telephone: 020 3317 3599
KidsTime Workshop
KidsTime Workshops are fun, supportive group sessions for families where a parent or carer has a mental illness. They’re a safe, relaxed and non-judgemental space for families to come together to learn and talk about mental illness, without shame or stigma. Children get to meet other young people in the same situation, share experiences, get answers to questions and, most importantly, have fun!
When: KidsTime Workshops take place on the first Monday of the month 5pm-7.30pm
Where: Harrow Club, 187 Freston Road, London, W10 6TH
Register to join a workshop:
free online mental health support and counselling service provided by registered counsellors
Access support from a safe, online mental health community
Want to talk with a trained counsellor or perhaps create a space just for you to build your own mental health and wellbeing toolkit? Or maybe you want to connect with other young adults?
You can access free, safe and anonymous support through an online mental health community called Kooth provided by qualified practitioners. There are no waiting lists and you can access Kooth from any internet connected device – no downloads necessary; qualified practitioners are available weekdays from 12 noon to 10pm and from 6pm to 10pm on weekends.
Create a free account, talk to a qualified professional online, connect with other young adults, or discover self-help tips and tricks.
The Kooth Chat and Messaging functions can get you in touch with a qualified practitioner who can talk through anything that’s bothering you and offer support and advice.
Kooth also includes discussion boards where you can start or join a conversation with other Kooth members on all sorts of things, from anxiety to relationship advice or tips for relaxing after a stressful day. The Goals tab allows you to set your own personal goals and track progress. The Kooth Journal acts as a personal diary which can help track your mood over time.
No waiting lists. No problem too big or too small. Speak with a counsellor today.
More information:
The service is provided by Kooth, and supported by CNWL.