
About Wysa | Participant Information Sheet | Glossary | Contact us

About Wysa

Wysa is a mental health app that we are researching the use of in Community Living Well Talking Therapies (IAPT) to see if it helps people while on the waiting list for treatment. It uses Artificial Intelligence to have a conversation with you while providing mental health support straight to your phone whenever you may need it, 24/7. Wysa has successfully been used by people across the world to support their wellbeing.

As you may be aware, there could be waiting times to start treatment in our service, therefore we are offering the use of Wysa to some of our patients. As this is a research study, this won’t be offered to all Community Living Well Talking Therapies patients. It may be that you don’t match the criteria needed for this study, or you may match the criteria but be put into the control group who won’t have immediate access to Wysa.

We are doing this as part of a research study to evaluate whether providing Wysa to people waiting for their first appointment can help reduce their symptoms of depression or anxiety. We are evaluating this for people who have been accepted for treatment with Community Living Well Talking Therapies service. If the project shows that it does help, it will assist us in providing evidence to improve the support offered while waiting for an appointment.

The Participant Information Sheet is available on this website, and a glossary has been provided to help you understand the Participant Information Sheet.