The service aims to deliver excellent integrated, recovery focused and evidence-based health and social care to the residents of Kensington & Chelsea, Queen’s Park and Paddington.
The role of the teams includes:
- Assessing, treating and reviewing symptoms.
- Taking optimistic views about recovery-focused interventions.
- Providing a wide range of psychosocial interventions and support.
- Providing support and intervention for family and carers.
- Assessing social care needs and providing social care services through personalised budgets.
- Working in partnership with a range of statutory and non-statutory services.
- Working closely with local GPs to provide joined up mental and physical healthcare.
Each team has a base where they can see people. They may also work in a range of other places, such as your GP surgery, day centres, in the community and people’s own homes, as well as continuing to see people virtually during the Covid-19 pandemic.
If you need support with or are concerned about a mental health problem, speak to your GP and they will help you get to the right service.