Coffee Morning
OnlineStart your day off right with our online coffee morning social! A casual gathering where you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while connecting with others, sharing experiences […]
Start your day off right with our online coffee morning social! A casual gathering where you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while connecting with others, sharing experiences […]
Kickstart your morning and join our mental health journalling group about self-reflection and introspection. At each meeting you will receive a new journal prompt to explore your thoughts and emotions. […]
A peer support group where members can meet to share their personal experience of mental health challenges and support each other. Group numbers are limited to ensure that everyone has […]
Join us for a singing and music session where you'll experience the uplifting power of music. Through guided singing, movement, and breathwork exercises you'll balance emotions, improve your mood, and […]
A peer support group where members can meet to share their personal experience of mental health challenges and support each other. Group numbers are limited to ensure that everyone has […]
Join our online quiz session where you get to test your general knowledge, skills and connect with others. Places are available by booking only. To confirm your place contact Stuart […]