Copyright © 2025 Community Living Well

Contact us

The Community Living Well service is for people registered with a GP in Kensington and Chelsea or Queen’s Park and Paddington.

The easiest way to access the service is through the self-referral form or by speaking to your GP.

If you are already registered with a service and need to contact them directly, please find the relevant details below:

man uses laptop computer to contact us via email or the self-referral form

Talking Therapies (CNWL NHS)

The best way to contact us is by email and we will reply as soon as possible.

020 3317 4200

Peer Support (Kensington & Chelsea Mind)

The best way to contact us is by email and we will reply as soon as possible.

Telephone: 020 8964 1333

Navigators and Employment Support (SMART)

The best way to contact us is by email and we will reply as soon as possible.


Kensington & Chelsea North
Mental Health Hub

Hathaway House, 7f Woodfield Road, London, W9 2BA

 Tel: 020 8206 6900

Neohealth Mental Health Team email*:

Westhill & Inclusive Mental Health Team email*:

*if you know which PCN your case is under then please contact the relevant email address, otherwise choose either PCN email.

New referrals only: 

Kensington & Chelsea South
Mental Health Hub

1 Nightingale Place, Kensington and Chelsea, London, SW10 9NG

Telephone: 0207 685 6248

Brompton Mental Health Team email*:

K&C South Mental Health Team email*:

*if you know which PCN your case is under then please contact the relevant email address otherwise choose either PCN email.

New referrals only: 

Queen’s Park Paddington
Mental Health Hub

7a Woodfield Road, Westminster, London, W9 2NW

Tel: 020 7266 9700


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Feedback, compliments and complaints

We are always pleased to hear what you think about our services as sharing your views and experiences can help us to make improvements. We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our service-users and your feedback is a vital way of helping us to achieve this.

To provide feedback, or to make a compliment or complaint, please contact the relevant service on the details above.

You can also leave a Google review for Community Living Well.

Do you want to refer yourself to Community Living Well?

Self-Refer Here

Working together for your mental wellbeing
SMART St Mary Abbots Rehabilitation and Training